Silver leaf Desmodium

Common names: Silver leaf Desmodium, Velcro weed

Scientific name: Desmodium uncinatum

Native to: South America

Family: Fabaceae – Pea flower

Habit: Vine climbing up to 1.5 meters tall. Will also grow along the ground in clumps.

Leaves: Trifoliate, leaflets 2 – 10 cm long

Flowers: Pink to Purple in clusters at the end of a stem (terminal racemes)

Dispersal method: The seed pods and seeds are very sticky and attach to the fur of animals and clothing and so are moved large distances.

Control measures: As with all weeds early intervention is the best defence. Hand weeding works but is labour intensive due to the strong woody roots. Return visits are necessary. If using chemicals to spray Glyphosate and Dicamba will kill this weed.

Silver leaf Desmodium is not only annoying to us by sticky to our clothes and pets but directly kills wildlife. Flying insects are often trapped by the “ velcro” and starve to death. Small frogs are also caught and perish.

For more information Weeds of the Sunshine Coast page 241, 2nd edition.

silverleaf desmodium | Weed Identification – Brisbane City Council

By Michelle Newall