Weeds of the Sunshine Coast book – 2nd Edition


The 2nd Edition now available.  Written by Joan Heavey and Sonia MacDonald this 330 page book displays full size images of 272 weeds and 21 of the most invasive weed grasses of the Sunshine Coast.  Many are common to Cooloola, Fraser Island and South-East Qld. Methods of weed control and disposal are described.



Written by Joan Heavey and Sonia MacDonald this book displays full size images of 272 pressed mounted, photocopied and scanned specimens of herbs, trees and shrubs, vines and climbers, acquatic weeds and sedges. Also included is detailed information on comparisons between native and exotic Ludwigia species and 21 of the most invasive grasses found in the region. Photographs of flower, fruit and in some instances growth habits are included to assist with identification. Many are common to Cooloola, Fraser Island and South-East Qld. Methods of weed control and disposal are described. Publication of this book is thanks to support from a Sunshine Coast Council grant.

Postage $10

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