Project Description
Grant News
February 2021. NICA has been successful in obtaining a grant to further the great work already done at Girraween. A Federal Government Bushfire Recovery for Wildlife and Habitat Community Grants Program grant; ‘Girraween Nature Refuge – Recover & Rebuild Resilience for Flora and Fauna’.
At the completion of this project in March 2022 both the flora and fauna will have been given some breathing space from habitat loss due to invasive weeds. We will have set in place the basis for a rehabilitated resilient and biodiverse ecotone and watercourses. Our activities will remove invasive weeds and rubbish from the perimeter, watercourses, ephemeral creeks and a permanent water hole in the Girraween Nature Refuge, aiding in minimizing fire intensity, essential to Wallum survival.

During 2013 Girraween Bushland Care Group (Cooyar Street, Noosa Heads) was established by NICA to ensure that the weeding and bushland regeneration work carried out as part of the ‘Fall of Singapore’ project is maintained.
This site was part of a Qld Government funded Everyone’s Enviroment grant ‘Fall of Singapore’ project which ran over 3 years to 30th October 2016. As part of this project 4,100 trees were planted at 4 sites at Eenie Creek, Sunshine Beach Surf Club foreshore, Sunshine Creek and Girraween (Cooyar Street). The success of the project was thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers who did the planting, weeding and litter removal.
The Girraween group is part of Noosa Council’s Bushland Care Group programme. The group meets the last Tuesday of the month. Contact NICA for further details. New volunteers welcome, come and join us and have morning tea.