Describing Eleagnus triflorus as a gangly, sprawling, caney shrub would be accurate, but doesn’t do it justice. This is a useful plant and is very easy to grow. It needs occasional pruning to keep it under control, but will scramble up trees and other supports if left to its own devices.














Milla milla vine comes from the rainforest where it provides food and shelter for birds and other animals. It flowers and fruits several times during the year. Its bronze new growth and glossy dark leaves with silver underside, contrast well with the cream flowers and orange fruit.













The arching canes can be cut and last well as decoration inside. Stripped down, dried and soaked the stems can be woven. The ripe fruit is edible with slightly sweet but tangy flavour.

This is a very hardy shrub. It grows in sun or part shade and rewards the gardener who keeps it under control.