The ‘churp churp churp’ of the Asian house gecko is a common sound in Queensland homes. This article looks at the Asian gecko and its native cousins.
*Follow these links for information on native Geckos , how to identify different species by their call and creating gecko friendly gardens. The Gardening Australia link has a great video and making a lizard habitat.
Lizard Lounge – Fact Sheets – Gardening Australia – GARDENING AUSTRALIA (abc.net.au)
Create a Lizard Friendly Garden (backyardbuddies.org.au)
*A personal blog by a Queensland Museum staff member on what he observed about the Geckos in his house during lockdown.
*An article about new species of Geckos that have been recently identified and ways to distinguish them from the Asian House Gecko.
Six species of native Australian gecko identified in long-running research project – ABC News
Photo credit Ryan Schimke
Written by Michelle Newall