Coastal Connect is a Multi Year Environment Collaborative Grant funded by Noosa Council.
It is an innovative collaboration of 6 bushland groups on the eastern seaboard of Noosa Shire.
With the seriously degraded dunal areas – high dunes, frontal swale, strand lines – the groups are rehabilitating the bushland with the aim to re-establish resilience, increasing their biodiversity (from the predominant mono-culture of invasive weeds which currently stop natural regeneration because of their mass.)
The bushland groups are involved in community events to raise awareness about protecting the Coastal vegetation and environment.
The groups involved are;
Group A: Peregian Beach South Bushcare and Peregian Beach North Bushcare

Group B: Peregian Creek Bushcare, Castaways Creek Bushcare and Marcus Beach Bushcare Assn Inc
Group C: Noosa Bush Beach & Creek Care
- Each Bushcare group is responsible for their specific sites regarding Project Management, Risk Mitigation, Coordinating Volunteers working bees & ensuring procedures, protocols for best practice on-ground management are implemented; Establishing Scope of Works for contractors, coordinating & supervising those works, Research, Validating accounts for NICA; Management of budget & financial probity.
- Members of Groups A, B, C were all involved variously, in on-ground weeding, rehabilitation, revegetation, rubbish removal, monitoring, flora/fauna monitoring/recording, water testing, event organizing/coordination, talking to school children, and talking to residents/ tourists/visitors about weeds and endemic native plants.
- Groups focus on invasive weed removal & revegetation with multi strata appropriate deep rooted stabilising endemic plants, to help build future resilience to the embankments of the peat creeks as they cut through the dunes. Similar activities occurred at beach showers & storm water outfalls minimising potential for washouts.
Noosa Integrated Catchment Assoc Inc is the auspicing partner responsible for financial management, record keeping and promotion.