The Midyim Berry (Austromyrtus dulcis) is a shrub for every Noosa garden. Confirming its toughness:  it can be seen on council roundabouts throughout the shire, where it is regularly pruned quite savagely, but soon bounces back with a flush of silky pink new growth.

Occurring naturally on sandy coastal soils the fruit is an important part of the local diet. Leaves have been used as a tea substitute by early settlers.







Height 0.5 to 1 metre, width 1 metre.. this is a compact-growing small-leaved native suited to well drained soil and coastal planting. Flowers late spring through summer with small white blossoms followed by sweet-edible fruit late summer through to autumn.

Ideal shrub for low hedging and borders in native, coastal gardens and rockeries. Attracts native wildlife!  Plant in a full sun to partly shaded position in free-draining soil in the garden. Occurs naturally on sandy soil but pretty adapatable wherever you plant it.










Mulch and water regularly until the plant is established, usually around 12 weeks, and in the autumn when berries are ripening. Tolerates dry conditions and humidity
Prune after fruit has finished to encourage dense growth habit and a bumper crop of berries next season. Apply a native slow release fertiliser during spring.