UWG would like to issue an invitation to share your Urban Wildlife Garden journey with all our members.

When people decide to make their garden wildlife friendly it usually means a lot of planning, preparation and planting. Sometimes it takes a while for the new native species to establish and for us to see the results of all our work.

What a delight it is when we begin to see wildlife start to take an interest in the habitat that has been created and the nectar, seeds, and nuts it has provided. We hope you have all had an interesting and enjoyable time working in and watching your own wildlife gardens develop.

We would like to invite you to submit a few photos and a short description or explanation of what you have achieved that we can highlight in our newsletters. Tell us about the changes to your garden and the native wildlife that has started visiting. Send us a before and after photo of a place in your garden that you have transformed, a bird visiting a pond or birdbath you’ve installed, a reptile using the newly created habitat or anything else you would like to share.

I started on a project of re-establishing understory vegetation on our property in 2020. We had existing trees but wanted to increase habitat and biodiversity by planting small trees, shrubs, grasses and groundcovers. The photos below show what the front entrance looked like in January 2021 and what it looks like now in December 2024. I finally feel all the hard work is paying off as we notice more and more wildlife visiting.

Please send your photos (as jpeg files) and paragraphs to admin@urbanwildlifegardens.com.au and mark ‘Attn: Vanessa’ in the Subject line.

Vanessa Presling